Martin Klapper

Martin Klapper

Phone: +49 3641 532-1564 Email:


Former Projects

The roles of secondary metabolites in Dictyostelium discoideum – bacteria interactions


Klapper M, Paschold A, Zhang S, Weigel C, Dahse HM, Götze S, Pace S, König S, Rao Z, Reimer L, Werz O, Stallforth P (2019) Bioactivity and Mode of Action of Bacterial Tetramic Acids. ACS Chem Biol 14(8), 1693-1697. Details PubMed

Klapper M, Schlabach K, Paschold A, Zhang S, Chowdhury S, Menzel KD, Rosenbaum MA, Stallforth P (2019) Biosynthesis of Pseudomonas-Derived Butenolides. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 59(14), 5607-5610. Details PubMed

Arp J, Götze S, Mukherji R, Mattern DJ, García-Altares M, Klapper M, Brock DA, Brakhage AA, Strassmann JE, Queller DC, Bardl B, Willing K, Peschel G, Stallforth P (2018) Synergistic activity of cosecreted natural products from amoebae-associated bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115(15), 3758-3763. Details PubMed

Klapper M, Braga D, Lackner G, Herbst R, Stallforth P (2018) Bacterial Alkaloid Biosynthesis: Structural Diversity via a Minimalistic Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase. Cell Chem Biol 25(6), 659-665.e9. Details PubMed

Götze S, Herbst-Irmer R, Klapper M, Görls H, Schneider KRA, Barnett R, Burks T, Neu U, Stallforth P (2017) Structure, Biosynthesis, and Biological Activity of the Cyclic Lipopeptide Anikasin. ACS Chem Biol 12(10), 2498-2502. Details PubMed

Klapper M, Götze S, Barnett R, Willing K, Stallforth P (2016) Bacterial Alkaloids Prevent Amoebal Predation Angew Chem Int Ed 55(31), 8944-8947. Details

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