Susanne Brandes

Susanne Brandes

Phone: +49 3641 532-1509 Email: Website:


Former Projects

Automated analysis of dynamic properties in biological systems from image data


Brandes S, Dietrich S, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2017) Migration and interaction tracking for quantitative analysis of phagocyte-pathogen confrontation assays. Med Image Anal 36, 172. Details PubMed

Brandes S, Mokhtari Z, Essig F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2015) Automated segmentation and tracking of non-rigid objects in time-lapse microscopy videos of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Med Image Anal 20(1), 34-51. Details PubMed

Duggan S, Essig F, Hünniger K, Mokhtari Z, Bauer L, Lehnert T, Brandes S, Häder A, Jacobsen ID, Martin R, Figge MT, Kurzai O (2015) Neutrophil activation by Candida glabrata but not Candida albicans promotes fungal uptake by monocytes. Cell Microbiol 17(9), 1259-1276. Details PubMed

Zang E, Brandes S, Tovar M, Martin K, Mech F, Horbert P, Henkel T, Figge MT, Roth M (2013) Real-time image processing for label-free enrichment of Actinobacteria cultivated in picolitre droplets. Lab Chip 13(18), 3707-3713. Details PubMed

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