Hans Peter Saluz

Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Saluz

Phone: +49 3641 532-1201 Email: hanspeter.saluz@leibniz-hki.de Website: www.leibniz-hki.de/de/zell-und-molekularbiologie.html


Former Projects

Acute and chronic Aspergillus infection in mice studied by PET-CT and comparative gene expression

Measuring interacellular pH during the apoptosis induction and inhibition regarding the Aspergillus fumigatus infection

Molecular study of apoptotic processes in Aspergillus ssp. and the influence of Aspergillus fumigatus on apoptosis in host immune effector cells


Mohebbi S, Erfurth F, Hennersdorf P, Brakhage AA, Saluz HP (2016) Hyperspectral Imaging Using Intracellular Spies: Quantitative Real-Time Measurement of Intracellular Parameters In Vivo during Interaction of the Pathogenic Fungus Aspergillus fumigatus with Human Monocytes. PLoS One 11(10), e0163505. Details PubMed

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