Former Events
May 4, 2020 - May 5, 2020
POSTPONED: ILRS Symposium 2020
Lecture hall Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI more...
April 9, 2020 // 17:00
CANCELLED: Noble Talks: Homage to Max Delbrück: On the molecular determinants of genetic and epigenetic inheritable traits
Abbe Center Beutenberg more...
April 6, 2020 - April 8, 2020
Practical Course: Image Analysis and Microscopy
FSU, Neugasse 25 more...
March 3, 2020 // 15:15
Doctoral disputation: Molekulare Mechanismen der Interaktion von Aspergillus fumigatus mit dem Immunsystem
Lecture hall Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI more...
February 28, 2020 // 16:00
Doctoral disputation: The immediate early immune response of immune cells to Candida albicans
Lecture hall Philosophenweg 14 more...
February 11, 2020 // 10:00 - 12:00
Lunch workshop Manual and automated nucleic acid extraction
Seminar room Louis Pasteur more...
December 20, 2019 // 09:15
Doctoral disputation: Regulation der Eisenhomöostase in Aspergillus fumigatus
Lecture hall Neugasse 23 more...
December 17, 2019 // 16:15
Doctoral disputation: Die Rolle des Komplementaktivators FHR5 in der Immunhomöostase und bei der Pathogenese der Nierenerkrankung C3-Glumerulopathie - wenn der Freund zum Gegner wird
Lecture hall Robert Koch, Leibniz-HKI more...
December 11, 2019 // 15:15
Doctoral disputation: Pseudomonas-Derived Secondary Metabolites in Amoebae – Bacteria Interactions
IAAC, Humboldtstraße 8 more...
December 4, 2019 // 15:15
Doctoral disputation: lnfluence of fungal melanins on the cell-autonomous defenses in amoebae
Lecture hall Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI more...
November 26, 2019 // 18:00
Graduate Academy: Career Evening „PhD – What´s next?“
Rosensäle, Fürstengraben 27 more...