Christin Reimer

Christin Reimer

Engineering of polyketide production routes in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum


Günther M, Reimer C, Herbst R, Kufs JE, Rautschek J, Ueberschaar N, Zhang S, Peschel G, Reimer L, Regestein L, Valiante V, Hillmann F, Stallforth P (2022) Yellow polyketide pigment suppresses premature hatching in social amoeba. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119(43), e2116122119. Details PubMed

Reimer C, Kufs JE, Rautschek J, Regestein L, Valiante V, Hillmann F (2022) Engineering the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum for biosynthesis of a cannabinoid precursor and other polyketides. Nat Biotechnol , Details PubMed


Falk Hillmann


Axel A. Brakhage

Start of PhD

August 1, 2016

Doctoral Disputation

December 1, 2022

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