Sebastian Müller

Sebastian Müller

Integrated genome-wide data analysis by ensemble learning methods to understand infection processes

Transcription analysis can be a valuable approach to better understand regulatory processes and complex gene-protein interaction-networks. To explore such a transcriptome, data from two state of the art methods, namely microarray-analysis and next-generation-sequenciEnsemble techniques, will be analysed and compared by means of supervised and unsupervised ensemble learning methods.

In particular, such an analysis will be performed to understand infection processes and virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus by gene expression analysis of infected murine macrophages.


Fischer J, Müller SY, Netzker T, Jäger N, Gacek-Matthews A, Scherlach K, Stroe MC, García-Altares M, Pezzini F, Schoeler H, Reichelt M, Gershenzon J, Krespach MK, Shelest E, Schroeckh V, Valiante V, Heinzel T, Hertweck C, Strauss J, Brakhage AA (2018) Chromatin mapping identifies BasR, a key regulator of bacteria-triggered production of fungal secondary metabolites. Elife 7, Details PubMed

Kastner S, Müller S, Natesan L, König GM, Guthke R, Nett M (2012) 4-Hydroxyphenylglycine biosynthesis in Herpetosiphon aurantiacus: a case of gene duplication and catalytic divergence. Arch Microbiol 194(6), 557-566. Details PubMed

Tierney L, Linde J, Müller S, Brunke S, Molina JC, Hube B, Schöck U, Guthke R, Kuchler K (2012) An Interspecies Regulatory Network Inferred from Simultaneous RNA-seq of Candida albicans Invading Innate Immune Cells. Front Microbiol 3, 85. Details PubMed

Müller S, Fleck CB, Wilson D, Hummert C, Hube B, Brock M (2011) Gene acquisition, duplication and metabolic specification: the evolution of fungal methylisocitrate lyases. Environ Microbiol 13(6), 1534-1548. Details PubMed


Reinhard Guthke


Axel A. Brakhage

Start of PhD

May 1, 2009

Doctoral Disputation

October 12, 2012

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