Bastian Seelbinder

Bastian Seelbinder


Former Projects

From Data to Science: A multi-Omics Analysis of the Pathobiome


Barber AE, Sae-Ong T, Kang K, Seelbinder B, Li J, Walther G, Panagiotou G, Kurzai O (2021) Aspergillus fumigatus pan-genome analysis identifies genetic variants associated with human infection. Nat Microbiol 6(12), 1526-1536. Details PubMed

Seelbinder B, Chen J, Brunke S, Vazquez-Uribe R, Santhaman R, Meyer AC, de Oliveira Lino FS, Chan KF, Loos D, Imamovic L, Tsang CC, Lam RP, Sridhar S, Kang K, Hube B, Woo PC, Sommer MOA, Panagiotou G (2020) Antibiotics create a shift from mutualism to competition in human gut communities with a longer-lasting impact on fungi than bacteria. Microbiome 8(1), 133. Details PubMed

Seelbinder B, Wallstabe J, Marischen L, Weiss E, Wurster S, Page L, Löffler C, Bussemer L, Schmitt AL, Wolf T, Linde J, Cicin-Sain L, Becker J, Kalinke U, Vogel J, Panagiotou G, Einsele H, Westermann AJ, Schäuble S, Loeffler J (2020) Triple RNA-Seq Reveals Synergy in a Human Virus-Fungus Co-infection Model. Cell Rep 33(7), 108389. Details PubMed

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